Events Calendar

An aggregated Events Calendar for the DeSci space allows the community to collaborate and cooridnate like never before.


DeSciWorld officially endorses the Backdrop platform as the most promising and powerful Events coordination solution. We use the Backdrop API in our Events Calendar and encourage Partner Projects to utilise the platform to make aggregation of events as easy as possible.

“Backdrop is a network that connects tokenized communities. By aggregating key information across communities in Web3 — starting with content, events, and governance — contributors and interested community members can stay up to date and participate with communities they care about all in one place.

By being Web3 native, Backdrop leverages the open graph of information facilitated by blockchains to automate work that admins would otherwise have to do, and enable token gated features among other community benefits.”

DeSciWorld's Backdrop Profile

DeSciWorld's Call for Adoption

Please view DeSciWorld's call to action for DeSci-wide adoption of this platform here:

Please view the DeSci Community Call in which the DeSci community discussed the benefits of using this solution:

Tutorial Video

Please view the Backdrop flow tutorial video here:

Last updated