P2P Grant Funding Platform

In production... please be patient.

This portion of the ecosystem is the reason DeSciWorld was conceived so we want to get it right for maximum positive impact.

The DeSciWorld peer-to-peer (P2P) Grant Funding platform is designed to connect researchers, scientists and experts to decentralised funding channels. By providing an alternative to traditional institutional funding channels, new and innovative research can flourish like never before. The renaissance of science can occur once again.

Too often research grants are refused or funding is bottlenecked behind beaurocracy and regulations. Whilst there are valid reasons for this, it undoubtedly hampers progress in the field of science. Further, the institutions that exist today often act as a gatekeeper against those exploring a passion in research. Impoverished peoples are given fewer opportunities and elitist cultures within the research community can discourage potential geniuses from pursuing their ideas.

What is P2P?

A peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplace facilitates trade between two or more private individuals. The decentralised transaction infrastructure of Web3 and blockchain allows researchers and funders to directly utilise each other without the need for a centralised mediator. The DeSciWorld marketplace is trustless and transparent. All users must sign up to the platform using either a public or anonymous profile; this profile receives repuation points based on a number of factors. This reputation, combined with smart contract-enabled escrow, allows our users to interact with confidence.

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